The sustainable drainage system, or ponds project as it became known, was the last development funded in the 2017 improvements package. Unlike other work which improved […]
By 2015, the bowling pavilion was almost 25 years old and in need of refurbishment. Its facilities did not meet modern standards while, outside, its walls […]
The Meadow Café opened on 26th July 2019. It was built next to the clock tower roundabout on the site of the changing rooms and public […]
When the park opened in 1931, there were eight hard tennis courts where the Life Centre Field is today. The courts were removed to make way […]
The playing fields on the western side of Discovery Way had long suffered from poor drainage and were frequently unplayable in wet weather. There was also […]
In the recession that followed the banking crash in 2008, people were attracted to growing their own food and, by 2011, more than a thousand were […]
Building the Life Centre generated huge quantities of earth and rubble, not only from its deep foundations but also from the demolition of the old swimming […]
Ruth Heaton (left), Jean Waterfield (middle) and Joan Hassall (right) were among those who as schoolchildren took part in planting trees on Coronation Avenue in 1937. […]
Whatever their merits as sporting facilities, the swimming pool and Mayflower centre had little connection with the park. The large buildings were poorly situated and intruded […]
There had been an extensive, privately-run skate park in Zoo Field which was demolished in 1981. In July 2004 a new, public skate park was built […]
Work to design and install a permanent orienteering course was completed between 2003 and 2004. Much of the surveying and mapping was done by volunteers with […]
In 2003 the conservation charity, International Tree Foundation, was looking to extend its Family Tree Scheme to more places. At the same time, Plymouth City Council […]
Play facilities in Central Park took a major step forward in 2003 when the Seven Continents adventure playground opened on a new site, south west of […]