By 2015, the bowling pavilion was almost 25 years old and in need of refurbishment. Its facilities did not meet modern standards while, outside, its walls frequently attracted graffiti. Additionally, it was used only by bowling teams in the summer months although it had the capacity to accommodate many other uses throughout the year.

As part of the park improvements programme from 2017 onwards, the pavilion was given a major upgrade and a new extension added to house changing facilities for all sports teams – bowls, cricket, football, rugby and tennis. A new entrance was made on the north side of the building into the community hall, and a small area laid to grass so users could move outside if they wished. With a refurbished kitchen and toilets, and heating installed, the Community Sports Hub makes an attractive venue for many local groups and organisations.
The hub has been managed by Argyle Community Trust since March 2021 and its regular users have included the Mudpies & Mischief Outdoor Playgroup.