Work to design and install a permanent orienteering course was completed between 2003 and 2004. Much of the surveying and mapping was done by volunteers with the Devon Orienteering Club whilst Plymouth City Council installed the marker posts and an interpretation panel.
Subsequent revisions led to this course map in 2013.

Orienteering is a combination of running and map reading, requiring physical and mental effort. Participants are expected to use their navigation skills to visit each of the marker posts selected by the course organiser in the shortest time.

In 2021, the map was redrawn again and the revamped courses were launched at an event run by the Devon Orienteering Club on 27th June 2021. Five different routes were offered ranging from easy to difficult to cater for all abilities. In March 2022, new posts were installed where necessary as a partnership arrangement between Plymouth City Council, the Argyle Community Trust and Devon Orienteering Club.